Not only did it deflect the obvious criticisms that a Superman slugfest would have ("where was the Justice League?" and "how did the Justice League lose?"), the story also effectively established the magnitude of Doomsday's threat. Fire and Booster Gold lost their powers Blue Beetle was beaten so badly that he went into a coma and remained there for quite some time Guy Gardner had his head beaten through the pavement Ice was hospitalized halfway through the fight. DeMatteis.Ī team of second-stringers seemingly nearing the end of what DC considered to be their usefulness, the lineup was decimated by the battle. Instead, Doomsday tore through the remnants of the beloved Justice League International team assembled under writers Keith Giffen and J.M. The lineup of the Justice League at the time was kind of important to "The Death of Superman." There was often a sense among readers that if the classic League, with all its heavy hitters and Batman making the battle plan, had squared off against the monster, then Doomsday would never have stood a chance.

This one obviously connects back to the Cyborg issue just mentioned but it is far from limited to that. The Justice League's lineup (Photo: Warner Bros. "The Death of Superman" is the culmination of a half-dozen years of post- Crisis on Infinite Earths storytelling, and one of the most compelling elements of the saga is just how many long-running plot threads came to a conclusion during the tale (and its follow-ups).Ī quick rundown of the key differences can be found below. Liberties were bound to be taken, and the initial casting news and first stills from the film have already given fans a peek inside of what the movie's priorities will be. That first adaptation was incredibly loose, though, and so being "much more true" to the comics does not mean a wholly faithful adaptation. Ultimately, an unspeakable tragedy committed by one of them set the stage for years of DC Universe stories to come. This time around, fans were promised at the time of its announcement, the story would be a much more faithful adaptation of the comics on which it was based - and that is self-evidently true from the title of the second film, The Reign of the Supermen! In the comics, after Superman's death, he was briefly replaced by a quartet of self-styled Supermen vying to be recognized as the real deal. Animation, it will be the second attempt at animating the story as a DC Universe feature film. When The Death of Superman - part one of a two-part mega-movie detailing the Man of Steel's death at the hands of Doomsday and triumphant return - debuts later this year from Warner Bros.